The ANTV3 Twister Vac is a unique surface cleaner with wash water recovery capability. This surface cleaner

connects to a power washer and a vacuum to clean concrete 10x faster than a wand without splashing dirty water on clean areas ans wastewater runoff.
Imagine how efficient you will clean without the hassle of having to do a final rinse, refilling your water tank as often, or containing wastewater runoff all while protecting the environment. You will be able to clean the   surface and recycle your wash water for reuse when you connect the Twister Vac to an AZV vacuum filtration   system. Suitable for use on greasy factory floors, concrete parking lots and drive-throu areas, gas stations   and garages.
- Features Include: Stainless Steel frame and deck construction for lifetime corrosion resistance
- High RPM Surface Cleaner
- Adjustable Coasters
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